Bold Street Cosmetics & Slimming

Health and Medical Clinics

Flat 1 60a Bold Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L1 4EA  (Show me directions)

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I attended Bold Street Clinic to have the 'apparently painless' ENDOLIFT PROCEDURE. What the doctor described on the consultation TO SELL IT and what he actually did were 2 completely different things. He stated that he would 'sculpt' my cheeks, jowels and chin Also videos on this procedure say IMMEDIATE RESULTS. We all understand that different ages have different skin but results are IMMEDIATE. I HAD TO PAY PRIOR to the procedure. No receipts for my 2200 pounds were given. On Oct 5th 2023, I entered the clinic, sat upright on clinic chair and the doc continued. The sides of my face were stabbed up, with what felt like canulas. These were meant to be anaesthetic injections. Whatever they were, the anaesthetic hadn't worked. He took the endolift laser, burnt beneath my eye, burnt a little beneath my chin and that was it. It was over. My review described what had happened. It hadnt worked. On my 3 month review, he publicly humiliated me. Said he was closing for xmas. Vile man


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